Call Us! 614-706-6567

Commercial Cleaning Services

From major construction projects to everyday upkeep, commercial cleaning is of the upmost importance in establishing and maintaining a professional and credible business facility. At WilBDone, we understand that a clean work environment contributes to a successful operation, and that’s why it is our mission to provide you with the highest quality of commercial cleaning services possible for your business facility needs.

Our cleaning abilities are limitless. From large scale construction projects to regular office cleaning, we take a full-service, floor to ceiling approach to commercial cleaning. We utilize the latest in state-of-the-art equipment, and products to get the job done thoroughly and efficiently, achieving the highest level of satisfaction from our customers.

2175 S. James Rd.  Columbus, OH.  43232  Phone: 614-706-6567 Fax: 614-525-0693  Email:



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It is our priority to stay on top of the latest cleaning techniques by educating our WilBDone team through ongoing training. From janitorial services to stone floor cleaning, we assure the most effective and safe commercial cleaning job. Nightly quality control inspections are performed by our area management and monthly audits are performed by upper management.